Is it too late for, “I use nix btw”? I use it at home and for development.
I planned to focus this blog series on ol’ faithful (Debian), but I could definitely see writing articles on how to use Nix and OpenBSD if people find it helpful.
Then they make you use them for DNS. May or may not be a big deal, but the reason it’s at cost is to act as a loss leader to get you exposed to and buying their other products.
The only keyboard that solved all my wrist pain was the Kinesis Advantage Pro, which I learned alongside Colemak. Love the keyboard, and if it broke I’d buy it again tomorrow without hesitation.
If you post a link to this, then I click that link, I am unable to reply directly, since I am on I would need to first track down the equivalent post in my instance to reply. SSO solves this
This works great for apps. But I want to use the web interface to post a reply to content that’s not on my home instance. I can’t do that easily.
Hi friend, this was just meant to be an introduction, as I get started blogging and sharing back some knowledge and lessons I learned along the way. I’ve never written a blog before (or much of anything!), and I’m sorry you didn’t find value in this.
I wasn’t intending to boast, but I can see how it came across. I just meant to say, “companies are trying to tell you that you need ‘XYZ’ to scale,” and at least at the size of business I ran, you didn’t need any fancy tech at all – we could have made do with a dead-simple setup: a single server running Go and SQLite. It’s something I wish I had known when I started.
I’ll take your feedback to heart and try to produce larger, more substantial posts to follow. Thanks for commenting.