I printed some 1.5u proto keycaps for Cherry MX keyswitches. I’ll try printing the “fat” keycaps next.
I printed some 1.5u proto keycaps for Cherry MX keyswitches. I’ll try printing the “fat” keycaps next.
Yes, I’m building a custom board. I’ve been using the Ergo Pro and I like those fat key caps. I do not like the reliability of their key switches., so I’ll be sticking with Cherry MXs for the new board.
I just cranked out a batch of 1.5u keys for keyboard prototyping. They turned out “good enough”. That’s got me cocky enough I just might try printing some of those far keycaps.
That gives keys that are wide in the X axis. I’m looking for keys that are large in the Y axis.
I’ll try that.
Been using a Matias Ergo Pro for several years now. Love the chonky CTRL, OPTION, CMD and Spacebar keys.
Before purchase, I read reviews that some of the keys would tend to stick. Indeed, after a few months, the ‘F’ key decided that it was going to work according to its own plan. So the reviews were right. A good keyboard if they would just fix their d*mn key issues.
Working on building a new custom keyboard to replace it.
1 I had assumed votes were private 2 If I don’t hear soon that votes are private, I’ll simply stop participating and return to lurking. I’ll eventually just wander off to the next thing that doesn’t expose my votes to potential bots and/or abusive actors.