This thread is news to me. Unicode is Unicode, no? Why restrict to Latin letters?
This thread is news to me. Unicode is Unicode, no? Why restrict to Latin letters?
Everyone else is gonna be like “if you don’t have at least 3 backups of something blahblah” but you know, not everyone has the finances for that, so advice from a cheapskate computer nerd: when going through critical transfers/reformats/deletions like you were doing, ALWAYS try actually recovering stuff from the backup before you cross the point of no return. E.g. if the backup is a .zip, extract a few individual files from it and open them in their respective programs.
yt-dlp can take care of the downloading part. Just have a script that checks a list of channels for new content and make a cron job for it
Yeah, it has video decoding hardware and a CPU just powerful enough to download a single video stream. My buttcheeks move faster during a fart than a Roku’s CPU
Wait why are distros removing HEVC?