I see 4, none appear as removed.
I see 4, none appear as removed.
You don’t know what an NDA is lol, NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement, it’s very specifically tied to the things they’re revealing to you, Threads NDA means you can’t talk about what they’re telling you about Threads in that specific meeting, it has NOTHING to do with Lemmy.
Having admins knowing what they’re planning isn’t bad IMO, they more you know, the better you can counteract them.
I fully agree with you, karma “whoring” is a serious problem on reddit, awards could lead to the same behavior here if implemented.
Donations are the best way to support the platform, if you want to be “visible” as donator, opencollective allows you to post a message about it, there’s also a sort of top donators page, that’s more than enough in my opinion.
Oh no :( I missed that, did they say why?
Haha me too :D
If you want you can test it yourself, there are 3 test instances separated from live ones, links in this post: https://lemmy.world/post/335015
Content is just content, it’s links, it’s media, whatever
Content is not all the same, there’s quality content and there’s shitposting.
“facebook content” is mostly - to me - shitposting, astroturfing, botting, propaganda, etc. as reddit has become lately, while lemmy content is mostly quality discussions.
I don’t want shitposting burying quality content here, that’s what will happen if we don’t do anything about it.
Not to mention corporate control, look what happened to reddit, and look at how many scandals there are about faceboook (now meta) as a company, why do you think they want to join the fediverse, they don’t give a crap about quality, their only interest is in monetizing stuff, embrace - extend - extinguish, I don’t want ANY of that happening to lemmy.
Innocent until proven otherwise.
There are many years of proof already about facebook/meta acting very maliciously, actively breaking laws and being fined for it, is that not proof enough? How many more do you need before you can say they’re not innocent at all?
If I wanted to see facebook shit I would use facebook, I stopped using whatsapp when it was bought by facebook, I don’t want to see their content overwhelming the fediverse, that’s why I’m here instead of there.
Fantastic news! Can we please do the same on lemmy.world? Please?
That always happens when a new platform is born.
Tech/nerds are always the ones moving first because they don’t mind the quirks, they’re not scared of bugs or instabilities.
They start building up communities until the platform is ready for the rest of the people, it was the same for reddit, tho it happened so many years ago the new people wouldn’t even know about it.
Good job!