Pros: you get to be your own boss.
Cons: you get to be your own employee.
Hi you’re reading content by a non-AI person, 100% humane or at least furry.
Sometimes my posts are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Feel free to contact me for an alternative licensing deal.
Pros: you get to be your own boss.
Cons: you get to be your own employee.
By being moved to the main Wordpress branch, where everything has been known to be hackable since 1999, rather than staying in Tumbr’s however-modified branch where probably some exploits don’t work or have unexpected results.
Oh fair point.
Feel free to hire the admins then!
Wait, that might have come out wrong…
Oh boy my tumblr will be now 518% more hackable!
to make the whole ecosystem more mature and professional?
Feel free to hire the devs?
Also for me I’m using a text expander so that after I type a shortcut it automatically adds the rest of the text for me.
I request of you, show me your ways!
Don’t we also need a critical mass of people adding licenses to posts? So that a class action suit can be launched. Because it would be inviable and a very rapid path to self-defeat if people started to try and individually sue big corpo.
Also I’m missing a way to automatically add this to my posts. Something like a browser extension.
This post is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
There’s a core disagreement about whether making a public post means consenting to it being used for all purposes without consent
Wouldn’t this better be served by implementing per-post licensing, rather than mixing federation into it? After all, most of the real issue is people not accepting the fact that, regardless of federation, bad actors can do bad things with their content. Federation is not gonna change that, but at least licensing posts would allow you a legal avenue to pursue, which currently doesn’t seem to exist.
This post licensed under CC BY-NC-SA.
Is there a way to protect data/user contents in Lemmy/Mastodon against now rapidly rising AI s?
Don’t publish it there. It’s that simple.
No its the greatest weakness of the Fediverse.
By grouping them you could be on multiple
And sure, we can group them, link them, publish them in podcasts, whatever; but you specifically said merging them which involves only letting one of them exist. I’ve seen a couple good analyses on the issues with trying to artificially merge communities or limit creation of them, such as the points from this.
The fact that we don’t merge them is one of the great benefits of the Fediverse, actually.
Yeah like we could have a shared legal entity, say a corporation,
You mispelt coöperative.
They are Pokémon fandom specific ones so they’re really kind of niche-within-a-niche: and . I started both when the Reddit migrations started so that people could see a landing spot and start activity, but as far as I’ve noticed none has grabbed.
Been also thinking of starting up their lemmy equivalents for discoverability. But ATM I myself have nothing to add to them other than (for the most part) Reddit reposts, so I’d rather see activity from other people first. Like I said: I’m interested in the community, not in the moderation.
As someone who has created two communities here in the Fediverse hoping they could ever draw attention and function as alternatives to Reddit, I have to simply say that I can’t do all the work alone. It’s good that someone is trying to bring in more content, even if it means bringing it from Reddit. Other people don’t like it? They’re welcome to fix it another way so long as it’s fixed. Otherwise niche communities will be all but forced to return to Reddit, as the statistics of stuff like “lirker vs poster” only ever benefit the most common topics, the largest instances, and sex / porn.
Also I honestly don’t understand why people are stoning their chests that the content is not “human produced”. Like, what are you trying to get at? It’s link aggregation, and in the end it doesn’t matter if the content was craftingly handwritten by a human who then walked to the Lemmy offices to retype it on the server’s keyboard - what matters is whether the entities who answer / comment on the post are humans or not. A reasonable fraction of content on Reddit is literally links to elsewhere and left there for people to comment on them - heck, it’s the entire point of some subreddits such as the news ones. Even in the cases where some introductory text or inviting commentary is posted alongside the link, the thing to comment on still requires going elsewhere to check anyway.
tl;dr: paraphrasing from what that sergeant from Starship Troopers said, “You are my content provider until you stop or I find someone better”.
Are you me? Same instances, same order…
…same fear.
It’s not anywhere as crazy as it seems. The Vatican already airs mass in Esperanto, for example, and has done so for quite a long time. Just installing a docker image with Masto in one of their VPSes and setting up and auth connected to some other central services they also already have is perfectly within the reaches of such a small indie dev.
I mean, you are not entitled to people being soldiers in your war against Big Tech. Like, I’d be totally for it, but some other time, nowadays I’m resting and being creative. Speaking of, not everyone here laps the crotch of Spotify et al. I’m a proud (but modest) pirate.