Respect the burrito.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I recently bought a ZSA voyager for co-working.

    Took me a few days to get used to the reduced keyset, but overall was very easy to adjust to. I mapped it very similar to my home keyboard (Maltron 3D).

    A colleague just got a glove80 and I was able to type 70wpm after 5 mins with it. I think I’d have bought one of those for home if I didn’t already have a maltron.

  • I’ve been using ogg vorbis for music since about the mid 2000s. In the begining I was ripping them from my CD collection using grip on mandrake Linux (anyone remember?)

    Nowadays I download vorbis direct from bandcamp.

    Recently I compared 192 kbps vorbis files to FLACs and couldn’t discern the difference, which I’m happy about since my 15000 file collection can fit on a very cheap 128GB SD card in my phone.

    I use syncthing to sync music to my phone automatically.

    Really happy with the setup.

  • I looked into this recently.

    There’s a DNS challenge designed for this exact scenario called (from memory) DNS01, but it’s more of a faff than I’m willing to get involved with.

    Basically you push proof that you own the domain into a DNS record instead of to a file on a web server. It requires a DNS provider that has an API and a client that speaks that API.

    It also leaks private DNS stuff into the public domain.

    I’d love it if someone devised an easier way. Maybe there is an easier way?