a whole page when viewing the subscribed communities
a whole page when viewing the subscribed communities
Yeah, it really feels like a new kind of forum.
Before I used forums to discover topics of interest, then the same thing was possible on reddit, lots of micro communities centered around a subject, no need to host your forum anymore, well now reddit showed its ugly face and lemmy seems a nice replacement
Good for you, i havent deleted shit, but don’t visit them often, changed my habits, dont regret it.
E-pen used to be a joke to measur you eletronic-penis and people would joke about it being you ego and used to measure the shit you did online, now e-pen seems to be real where people measure the number of followers to evaluate a person’s worth, we are going in the wrong direction…
Not sure if you can stream, but PeerTube uses activitypub if im not mistaken. https://joinpeertube.org/
Go for a book to gain the knowledge, examples: https://bookauthority.org/books/best-network-protocols-books