I’m talking about the zerotier’s app
ukrainian cat ~
I’m talking about the zerotier’s app
zerotier is open source and free with up to 25 nodes per network, and supports custom ip assignments (in custom ranges, with option to have multiple subnets per network), custom dhcp, managed dns, and custom, multiple managed routes (with option to point to a custom gateway), and traffic flow rules.
for example here are the rules i have set up for my “gaming” network that i use to play LAN games with my friends (only allows ipv4, arp and ipv6 traffic and prevents clients from self-assigning ip addresses)
route settings page:
my “personal” network (which just links all of my personal devices together) exists in and auto-assigns ipv4 addresses in range using dhcp (but i have configured custom ip addresses for each device anyway), and ipv6 is auto-assigned using RFC4196.
huh i thought zerotier is more popular.
i love it but their android app sucks. hasn’t received a single large update since android 5 and constantly keeps disconnecting
btw why did you choose tailscale over zerotier
they ignore all requets.
i have a couple of pp.ua domains, and there’s no limit on them (you cant register more than 3 per month)
but unfortumately one of the requirements is that you can’t hide phone number and address from WHOIS records and you must provide them your phone number
store it in tpm
you forgor pro-nazi pedos
lol uncapped 500mbps fiber (actual fiber directly to your house) connection is 10-12$/month in Ukraine
omg ellie?