Don’t you love scrolling right when the page loads and you click an ad instead?
It’s a feature, not a bug! Haha!
Don’t you love scrolling right when the page loads and you click an ad instead?
It’s a feature, not a bug! Haha!
I haven’t set up this yet, but I use AdGuard on my phone and yes, it does leave blank space. Sometimes I don’t realized there was more text to read because it’s empty.
It’s not about the adblocker though. It’s on the quality of the developer. A good developer tells the browser to leave space for ads before it loads them. It makes the page load faster and also prevents the page jumping around as each item loads.
Ironically, a bad developer that doesn’t do that, probably has better website layouts for people who use adblockers. 🙃
It’s like music streaming. The streaming quality is worse and wireless earbuds don’t sound great, but the convenience of it all made that industry huge.
Convenience over quality.
I see it? Maybe I just haven’t noticed but I think .world is fine for me?
Edit: nvm you might be right. I just checked my posts in ! They normally get 60-100 up votes but the last one only got 3.