I think he’s pragmatic in the “whatever tool gets the job done” sense, but not in the “this is the job we should be doing” sense — if that makes any sense :)
I think he’s pragmatic in the “whatever tool gets the job done” sense, but not in the “this is the job we should be doing” sense — if that makes any sense :)
Correct but there are really only 2 parts (3 if you’re adding a front-facing proxy which it sounds like you know how to do). If you’re using something like truenas or proxmox there are prebuilt containers for both iCloudpd and immich/photoprosm/whatever and even if not both have generic Docker containers or can be run out of their own repo checkout. So you just need:
Good luck!
Right, this is for the “hard” part of getting your content out of iCloud in an automated fashion. You’d then put the content in storage locally and use photoprism or immich or a similar self hosted gallery to be able to access them
icloudpd can be run in a container or just your host machine. It’s a little finnicky to get logins set up (and honestly I haven’t done it in a few months), but once that is working you can automate a job to pull down a backup every day/week/month and delete files from icloud.
My biggest problem with microblogging sites is that I have never been able to get a good, interesting content feed out of them without also getting lots of noise. Following hashtags usually gives me a mountain of retweets (or whatever) and trying to follow groups of related people/subject matter experts gives me lots of irrelevant content. Community-style social media forces people to more strictly categorize their content, I think.
Obsidian or Joplin. Offline first, clients for every platform, and easy self-host (if you want) syncing options and plugins.
It would be ideal If the big activitypub platform stacks like mastodon, Lemmy, etc could agree on some standard like a federated OIDC or DID approach for all authx/authn functions. then fediverse users could get cross-platform and even cross-instance logins “for free”
Of the changes made last week to the license, this one stands out:
- None of the Work may be used in any form as part, or whole, of an integration, plugin or app that integrates with Atlassian’s Confluence or Jira products.
That is a weird carve-out, so I’d guess the license revision (and technically the reason it’s no longer open source) somehow has to do with Atlassian or their plugin marketplace?
Feel like the (totally impractical) fediverse end-game would be for each individual to have their own activitypub service, and federation happening on a person-by-person basis. So you retain some control over anything you publish, and your history is yours to keep.
As others have said, changing UPS batteries is required maintenance, and I agree 18-24 months is the typical service life for even high-end UPSs. However, you may want to look into LiFePO4 based UPSs, which can handle many more charge-discharge cycles and often have 5-year warranties. More expensive and potentially not as recyclable as lead acid batteries, but maybe appropriate for your use case.
Jimmy Wales (of Wikipedia fame) has been working on something like this for several years. Trust Cafe is supposed to gauge your trustworthiness based on other people who trust you, with a hand-picked team of top users monitoring the whole thing — sort of an enlightened dictatorship model. It’s still a tiny community and much of the tech has to be fleshed out more, but there are definitely people looking into this approach.
I wonder if content should carry some license automatically. Like if you agree to the TOS of an instance, your comments are automatically all licensed as CC:BY or CC:O or the more restrictive license of choice of the instance owner.
draw.io is a capable web-based flowcharting program. Source code is on github but I’ve never tried locally hosting.
I wonder if anyone has ever attempted to model the min/max/ideal number of users (and …ugh… “engagement”) for a healthy online community? It’d be especially tricky for a federated service, but I’d bet there’s some overall population size that puts the average user in contact with the right number of other people (lower than the Dunbar limit, I’d expect) to make it seem worthwhile to keep interacting.
I like it for content discovery, but it feels weird to upvote bot posts. When I see something interesting enough to comment on I do try to see if there’s a similar article in a better community already or make cross-post.