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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024


  • I’m confused by your and the parents comments

    You can create an ActivityPub server with any server software you like, you can even ask GPT to make a skeleton flask app for an activity pub site and it will. I think there’s just an overlap in fediverse secs and that fans.

    ActivityPub is just a standard for how users can interact with a server, and how that server pushes data to other servers. What that data is is entirely up to the developers, it just needs to be roughly social media shaped.

  • Honestly I see the fediverse as a massive opportunity for corporations.

    If you’re Google, why not host a Google corporate instance where everything is authenticated as your own content, under your own URL, but you can still reshare outside content? You’ll never have the issues of unwanted or controversial content appearing with your brand. There’s no chance of a parody account pretending to be your customer service, and you won’t have to pay a protection fee for an authentic checkmark.

    This is 10x more important for governments to do, as right now I can’t view official political discourse from my own government without giving my data to a private company.