i’m waiting until there is an AI like suno but much better that i can selfhost. it will recreate the songs i remember from how people were describing it online.
i’m waiting until there is an AI like suno but much better that i can selfhost. it will recreate the songs i remember from how people were describing it online.
because lennart poettering is an asshole.
the later those outlook, iphone and windows11 using ppl find a good home in a more guarded environment. makes fediverse a place that can grow. it is not mature yet as we all can see when looking at defederation drama. in the end you will be able to choose between the fully federated network or a “super” app like weechat.
portainer sucks anyways. shells dont work really. dockGE is free. https://github.com/louislam/dockge
also: that has a client that works on android tv.
have you heard of sshuttle?
fanless nuc with i7 is ~600€
if you havent started: none
use nixOS.
i use lcx alpine 3.16 and all i do is add docker docker-cli …super fast. no hassle.
lxcs are just great. love alpine on proxmox.
and they say AI will take over the world…hm
i’m using mautic.
this is what chatgpt is made for
true. yet it was no waste of time but quite a laugh how shady they write about it.
hugo last updated their user reviews on their page in 2019.
i use an old pi1b to run rtl433 with some even older dvb-t stick to grab weather data from my neighbors (who can afford a brand new bresser weather station with wind speeds and everything etc…) and send that to mosquitto for use with home assistant. but can track even more…i figured out car tire air pressure sensors and other stuff give me a good insight on wether the neighbors are home or not.
oh wow…how did Google not suggest this to me? thanks mate.
edit: got i running…works like a charm. just great. thanks so much.
those look exciting! thank you very much.
afraid still works like a charm. cloudflare is ok. duckdns is cool.