Alright genius! Enlighten me
Alright genius! Enlighten me
Any admins of Lemmy.world reading this? Can we tag them?
Don’t wait, you can leave right now.
Facebook will definitely pay the admins and mkae them sign a NDA. If I was the admin and they offered me $5-10million, I’ll sure sell you guys to facebook so I understand if Lemmy.world Admins did the same.
Why don’t news outlet cover Lemmy and mastodon as much as threads and twitter
After twitter implements subscription for all users, prepare for twitter users moving to Lemmy.
Make high quality content like answering questions and eventually people will start flocking
Sure you did
Thank you.
Amazon is too big. Bigger than some countries economy. Nothing can replace it.
Feel for you brother. Dont get dominated by stupid 9-5 managers, directors, CEO instead try dominating them. They cant do all thr work by themselves , even if they fire you, its a 9-5 job. You have to take what’s yours legally or illegally. Look at the history from colonization to new era Capitalism. More power to you bro!
Yea dont create anything bro. 100k-200k is nothing in 2023. Like you can’t even afford a decent house for a family. I do my 9-5 with the least work possible and go home. Tried starting a business but failed miserably so back to 9-5.
Lemmy.world Admins should concentrate more on keeping their instance up and running. They could have used someone else instance to release announcement. Most of these people are IT support guys, not the brightest bunch. They do a hell stressful job for mere 100-150k. I personally know IT support guys who got stroke and was off from work for 9 months.
Its crazy people can do all these stuff. I can’t even edit my word document. Being said that I want to learn IT but looks hell stressful for $100-$200k job. I was in content & marketing making $130k and we used to discuss about shades of color to use in a font for 3-4 weeks. Its crazy how you guys have to fix issues within minutes on those tickets. The more i learn about IT, I feel like I should stay away from it.
I am not in IT, what does this mean ?
Does anyone has a link to it?