qBit does delete the file from my physical drive (direct attached storage, raid5). But won’t update the free space in the WebUI. The discrepency is over 1TB, so I’d like to address this if someone can help me.

Some info:

  • qBit v.5.0.1, docker, from linuxserver.io
  • Ubuntu 24.04
  • Automatic Management Mode is checked
  • Torrent content removing mode: Delete files permanently
    • Brickfrog@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      4 months ago

      Yup going to do that soon :)

      Still on 4.x, bummer as I normally wait a while before doing major version software updates but it is what it is.

      • kitnaht@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        So, I migrated to 5.x and I don’t know if it was just me, or a change in the WebUI or something, but Sonarr stopped wanting to pull files in. I’ve been holding out on the Sonarr upgrade because last I looked at it, it wouldn’t auto-migrate you over, etc.

        But when I went to upgrade it - it said that now auto-migrates, and it does. However, the old migrated rules looked kinda dirty, so I was panicking a little. The imported/converted stuff all worked, mind you, I just didn’t like how they looked. In the end, I ended up really really liking the new Sonarr system, though I did have to ask an LLM how to format some new regex.