Minecraft really needs a mod system like ARK: Survival Ascended. I really hate Forge/Fabric so much because of this requirement that host/server match all their version numbers, but no mechanics to be able to do it within the client.
Minecraft really needs a mod system like ARK: Survival Ascended. I really hate Forge/Fabric so much because of this requirement that host/server match all their version numbers, but no mechanics to be able to do it within the client.
Been using Namecheap for a decade or more now. Great company, no muss, no fuss, just works. The greatest thing is that they’re boring as fuck. That’s one of the best qualities to have in a domain registrar.
Highly suggest putting Caddy on a machine, forwarding port 443 and 80 to caddy, and then letting it do your reverse-proxy stuff. Register a domain name, give it your IP address, and then tell caddy that ‘immich.yourdomain.bleh’ goes to port 78789 and plex goes to ‘media.yourdomain.bleh’ port 89898 – Caddy handles all of the TLS stuff, handshaking, you name it - so you can have secure sites with proper certs.
Then make sure those things are isolated from your home network through vlans if your router supports it.
You can get fancier with it using a tailscale and getting some datacenter IP to forward into your network
I wonder if they tried to pay it with a signed note by their mother and a chuck-e-cheeze token with ‘payment in full’ scribbled across the note in red marker.
The architecture doesn’t determine the power draw so much as the system design. I’ve got a Chromebox running an i3 and sipping 4.5w at idle.
Honestly, that price for registration is tempting.
Fucking “.sucks” is $270+ to register!! O_O Fuck that.
.com it’s cheap, it’s available, I don’t have to worry about a country pulling the thing out from under me, it’s standard in people’s minds (people don’t know what a URI/URL is, but they know what a .com is immediately)
I’d rather them become a not-for-profit instead of a non-profit.
This is the kind of bullshit I don’t have time for, when shit gets broken in userspace because someone wanted to change the location of something.
Can’t wait until this guy DDoS’s his home connection and his ISP calls wondering why tf his bandwidth skyrocketed overnight because of hotlinkers.
So, I migrated to 5.x and I don’t know if it was just me, or a change in the WebUI or something, but Sonarr stopped wanting to pull files in. I’ve been holding out on the Sonarr upgrade because last I looked at it, it wouldn’t auto-migrate you over, etc.
But when I went to upgrade it - it said that now auto-migrates, and it does. However, the old migrated rules looked kinda dirty, so I was panicking a little. The imported/converted stuff all worked, mind you, I just didn’t like how they looked. In the end, I ended up really really liking the new Sonarr system, though I did have to ask an LLM how to format some new regex.
You should REALLY update…
Are you hard-linking it to somewhere else on the drive via any kind of automation?
For example, Sonarr can hard-link files to the directories they belong in, so that Qbit can continue seeding. If you then delete/remove the torrent/files – then the hard link would still be there.
Why would you even bother trying to run this all through a VM when you can just run it directly? If you’re to the point of using VMs, you don’t need this tutorial anyways.
Are you seriously telling me you’re jumping through all the hoops to spin up a VM on Linux, and then doing all the configuration for GPU passthrough, because you can’t just figure out how to run it locally?
If your “FIRST STEP” is to choose an OS: Fuck that.
You should never have to change your OS just to use this crap. It’s all written in Python. It should work on every OS available. Your first step is installing the prerequisites.
If you’re using something like Continue for local coding tasks, CodeQwen is awesome, and you’ll generally want a context window of 120k or so because for coding, you want all the code context - or else the LLM starts spitting out repetitious stuff, or can’t ingest all of your context so it’ll rewrite stuff that’s already there.
That’s true of a lot of spaces who have been historically discriminated against. They become so hyper-aware of any criticism, that they immediately think anyone who has an experience different than their own is “the enemy”.
That way, if the VPN goes down, your torrent client isn’t just downloading stuff nakedly.
You always just bind the torrent client to the VPN adapter so this doesn’t happen. Most modern clients have this (qBittorrent certainly does)
So maybe like some sort of list of computer instructions – which tells the computer to generate a map, and then tabulates the data and presents it to the user like…
If only we had a term for this…
Like algoism, or arithmos… something to do with calculation or something…
Is the router flashable with OpenWRT? :D
jkjk – most modern routers can be turned into just flat access points, ganged with another router.
The router is going to give you more control.
Pterodactyl is the most asinine shit to ever set up, ever.