It is more important than ever that the social web is not controlled by corporations. Today, Mastodon is taking another step towards its founding ideals: independence and non-profit ownership. We're transferring ownership of key assets to a new European not-for-profit entity, ensuring our mission remains true to a decentralised social web, not corporate control.
The 501(c)(3) is a fundraising entity, and will continue to exist. There will be a new independent European non-profit that will “own” (for the want of a better word) the other entities. Legal structures and things are not my forte (IANAL), that’s my understanding of what is happening in so far as I’m involved in the discussions and what I’m able to tell you.
The 501(c)(3) is a fundraising entity, and will continue to exist. There will be a new independent European non-profit that will “own” (for the want of a better word) the other entities. Legal structures and things are not my forte (IANAL), that’s my understanding of what is happening in so far as I’m involved in the discussions and what I’m able to tell you.