Another win for the decentralized Fediverse when a government domain takeback can’t shut it down!
Mali has decided to take back .ml from people who took advantage of the free domain like & maybe -
And while it sucks for those servers & those users may have to migrate, the #Fediverse and it’s plethora of platforms continues on. 💪 💜
@fediverse #lemmy #mastodon #calckey #mali #decentralization
Figures. The same people who added DRM to the web standards.
Now, I don’t know what other alternatives could have been used, but I know that URL was among the obvious ones to not use. Something that uniquely identifies you has to be non-transitive and non-revocable by a third party, of which URLs are neither (domain names are revocable, URLs don’t have addressing persistence let alone when you add query strings into the mix, etc). Among the few things that I can think are non-transitive and non-thirdparty-revocable are the good ol’ ssh-keygen keys, easy to generate and all that but I’ve never found a good mechanism or design to query about them.