The thing I like lost about the fediverse, unlike reddit, is that people are genuinely posting things they care about or like, rather than posting to be a karma whore. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve posted in reddit and it instantly gets stolen and used in another sub simply to get easy karma. It’s refreshing to not have that here. That’s all. Thanks!

    2 years ago

    I really think despite that we don’t have overall karma, people still get off on getting highly rated posts. I mostly lurked on Reddit, but would occasionally post something and I can’t deny that I enjoyed seeing the post get a lot of upvotes. But here on Lemmy, I became a mod of a couple communities and I post a lot and I’ve noticed I don’t even pay attention to the scores at all. I think one reason is since I post a lot more, I don’t pay attention, and also the scores don’t generally get as high, due to the smaller userbase. But I agree, people need to get out of that mentality of trying to get the highest rated post scores. It really makes it much more enjoyable to get involved in discussions, IMO.