let’s just rebrand instances to superleddits and communities to subleddits 🤣
let’s just rebrand instances to superleddits and communities to subleddits 🤣
“Reddit but you can block the part that annoys you”
does anyone know why this sudden uptick?
why would I want to stream myself peeing??
why are you so interested in logs? are you like a lumberjack?
oh that is very neato, if I do say so myself
Off-topic: That website is so nice. I’ve never seen any mobile site load that fast and look as nice
people need to take a step back and realize we have the capability to trap quasi-omnipotent quasi-demons in our personal computers
yeah they lie a lot and rarely do what you want them to, but that’s just what demons do
And it’s all powered by some dark crystals created with light magic that slowly poison the planet
that’s some arcane bullshit
you could just design an alogorithm that heavily favors any posts physically close to you. the closer they are, the higher in your feed.
check out NextChat and LibreChat
the color scheme of that icon physically hurts to look at
I surprised Threads, LinkedIn and Snapchat have that many
now they gotta change their name
that’s genius
Honestly even if the Fediverse is mainly run by corporations, that is still 100x better than the non-fediverse. Mainly because the direct and immediate competition from other instances will keep them in check. You can’t pull shit like Reddit, when users could immediately leave and get an almost perfect substitute. And I believe there will always be a substantial amount of crowd or privately funded “community instances”, whose major goal is just good social media.
there are lead pills that cure this condition permanently
Predestination (2014) would have been a fun one too
I’ve joined 3 weeks ago and aside from a couple of images not being visible once in a while and my instance being down one day, I haven’t had issues at all. But I could easily create an account on another instance as backup and browse there.
Signup was a bit confusing at first because the apps are not 100% there yet, but in general the apps do everything you want them to 99% of the time. Only “powerusers” will be unsatisfied.
There is easily enough content to browse all day already and I’d say a lot of content isn’t even techie related or politically charged.
I’m just missing a few art subreddits, but that’s it, compared to Reddit it was a pretty easy transistion. I don’t miss it at all.
I don’t know, feddit.nl is pretty chill. I always see everything and barely anything objectable