I’m fine with that while it lasts. Having millions of active users would increase the feed, but it’s not going to increase the likelihood of me talking to anyone smart
biting the fart bubbles in the bathtub
I’m fine with that while it lasts. Having millions of active users would increase the feed, but it’s not going to increase the likelihood of me talking to anyone smart
Skill issue
The dream: releasing a scathingly cordial open letter to an oligarch that has a real chance of ruining their day.
Aaa you were right thanks! What a relief
Eh fuck it, I’m enjoying freetube now
It hasn’t been working lately. Videos stop at 0:59
I give them a few quid every month. Might be the only regular donation I’ve got going at the moment (was being the sole earner for 3 until recently so yeah, rebuilding slowly)
Search engines are mega sucky these days, but Wikipedia has never been better. I find myself going straight to wiki any time I need a quick fact or basic info.
I don’t know. I am still as opinionated and difficult as I ever was on Reddit, but I also turn it around, display civility, and cede points far more often here. Maybe I’m becoming better, but I think it’s just a better situation overall.
Saved for when I get my home server back up and running. This sounds way better than keeping everything on an external SSD.
I’m a fucking albatross, I know… Or whatever that sailor’s curse bird is I forget. A crested wank.
My advice is to be less like me
It seems to be working for other people
Just got into using Syncthing for my home network, was thinking I should add it to my phone. Makes sense it dies the instant I consider it
For once I’m #1 in something 🥳
I have no tech background, and I am just getting into creating a media server. I started with an old secondhand Synology NAS, which developed a power issue within a month and no chance of returning it or getting it covered by warranty.
My current plan is to get another Synology NAS (new with extended warranty this time), along with a spare HDD enclosure so I can have an extra layer of redundancy, finally set up Jellyfin, and then I want to build a Pihole. At that point I won’t need much more self hosting or networking tricks until further notice.
Still have no idea what I’m doing.
That’s all we need, a way for morons to turn the web into even more of a Potemkin village of meaningless blather
Noooooooooooooo thanks
If journalism is the first draft of history, maybe fiction is the first draft of the future
Infanty 🤣
Thanks (・–・) \(・◡・)/